Monday, March 16, 2009

Ides of March madness

I kept hearing people make Ides of March references yesterday and was thinking they were jumping the gun but then I realized yesterday really WAS the 15th and hence, they weren't jumping the gun, they were concomitant with the gun. Is that the right word? Gun?

And then I was thinking that I should write a funny post about alternate March holidays like:

The Tides of March
The Brides of March
The Guides of March
The Slides of March
The Glides of March
The Wides of March (no offense, fatties)
The Tides of March (this one is about detergent as opposed to the first one which is about lunar stuff)
The Rides of March (woohoo, roller coasters!)
The Rides of March (woohoo, public transportation!)

And then I was forced to admit that there just isn't anything funny about The Ides of March.


Anonymous said...

Well, there's no 'I' in... oh wait. dammit. forget it...

Adirondack Towels and Scrubs said...

How about the Hives of March? I always itch a lot on this day.

Breanna Lane said...

Or Chives of March? High Fives of March? There's endless options here.

Five Star Prototype said...

When I saw your Twitter feed on this with "March madness" I got excited because I thought you actually filled out a March Madness basketball bracket (considering that the brackets were released yesterday). But then I saw this list. And my excitement went away. That would've been some huge Prototype homie points right there! Speaking of which, I am looking to repeat as champion of my bracket pool and sweep up another $650 pot. I'm gonna clean out those fools like a prune juice smoothie.

How about...the "Astroglides of March"?

Ted from Accounting said...

How about the Ted of March....oh never mind! I have to get ready for work...remember as a male exotic dancer, my evenings are busy! Catch you on the flip side Ro Ro!

Anonymous said...

this one's for Da gangsta's...Beware the drive by's of march...Oh and I'd love to see Breannaaa as your new vlog partener.

Trapp said...

I like "the Wides of March." I want to see them in the St. Pat's parade.

I suppose holiday party-ers could be the Frieds of March?

Breanna Lane said...

Warren the turd is nice. I bet he doesn't even smell. You're a rosey turd. It's true! I could only wish to be on Alison's level.

timdub70 said...

Wasn't the Ides of March a one-hit wonder from the 70s? I'm your vehicle, bay-beh....

Brett B said...

Hides of March (The day Congress declares war on the bonus checks of AIG).

Do you think Congress will not vote themselves a pay raise?