Totally and completely. And not just because they wrote this.
(I'll write more about the experience later but wanted to throw up the above link so you can read their post and also download the show should you be so inclined.)
enough about you, what do I think of me?
You look rather dopey in this photo. Or maybe doped up.
I would be so inclined... I’m downloaded that episode right now.
Can't believe you broke their computer.
It was a pleasure to hear you on the show today. It's too bad I missed today's pre-show.
How could Natali keep you a secret from @the404?! You're a perfect fit! Enjoyed the show!
Alison, I'm listening to the podcast right now, and you made the 404 much funnier than it normally is. I hope they ask you to come back more often, and maybe... maybe... offer you a permanent place!
I gotta say, it was strange seeing you wear jeans and not your typical signature long black skirts. Oh yeah, that coat looked huge on you. Not to mention being uncensored (on air).
Oh... I also forgot to mention that I also looked at the pictures of you and the 404 guys. You've lost some weight. You are looking slender and maybe you should eat a sandwich! (Was that mean?)
Ohhhhh...that was fucked up Toddrod. She never had a weight problem!
That was the first ever CNET 404 show I heard, and it was awesome, I think it’s even iPod worthy. I wasn’t sure if an audio Alison would be as funny as a video Alison, but you totally were. How can you not know wiki speak, I’ve spoken that language for years...
This is really weird, but I used to work for the company that made the lights in the ceiling...
WOW Toddrod... That was almost as bad as asking a girl if she's pregnant.
You know the rules here. Nothing but admiration, adoration, accolades and ass kissing and
I'm guessing you name will strangely be missing from the admission list for the Alison Rosen luncheon.
Funny, funny show Alison.
Listening to your podcast right now, Ali Ro. Very nice!
Since the sound went out on my PC this morning, I had to drag my old system downstairs and hook it up. And the internet cable is now running across my kitchen. But it's totally worth it.
I was having my coffee thinking, "What an odd show...", until I realized I was watching the pre-show.
You're a pro, Alison. The show began, and you were right on the mark.
But what's with everybody today? Dopey photo, huge coat, lose weight, don't lose weight, broken computer,
But the lights on the ceiling thing was very nice. (?)
You're right Alison. You don't need to pay dues at open mics. You're paying them here!
The show was even funnier the second time listening.
Okay, so which one of you guys searched "Alison Rosen Porn"? Todd? Brett? Joe?
You're 5'6" Alison?
Really good radio clip...what I learned from listening was you could totally have your own radio show...your personality kinda just takes over!
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