This one's mine but you should look into getting one that's similar.
Happy October 1, everyone. By this point you should be neck-deep in apple bobbing and nary an idle moment should go by that you don't admire the bountiful horn of plenty placed on a nearby horizontal surface (I keep mine on Dustin's desk). Now, should you not yet have a horn of plenty or comparable cornucopia, you should march out right now to get one, because otherwise you'll have nowhere to keep your gourds and Indian corn. I'd also recommend jumping or taking naps in freshly raked piles of leaves, drinking cider and storing nuts in your cheeks for winter. Before long you'll be cutting eyeholes in a white sheet and mock-scaring the bejesus out of neighborhood children, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. For tonight there is only love and also the New York Film Festival. Something tells me you like movies. Am I right?
Wow, I had no idea it was Oct 1. That means the check is in the mail. Anyhoo, That bountiful harvest that you showed has me hankerin' for some oppossum with all the fixins'. Yes, I'm from the south. This is a special time of year. HOw can you not be excited about the fact that this is the season to slaughter defenseless animals. I say this while looking at the trophy buck on the wall.
Alison, I was wondering if you could put a good word in for me for a job I applied for at Red Eye.
Well, actually two. I want to be a gaffer, or best grip boy. Or are these just code names for snuffers?
I hope I spelled that right or this joke is embarrassing. I have credential, and a letter of recommendation. Thanks for your support.
Here is a gem you might enjoy. If Alison were my English teacher and I misbehaved, I would expect nothing more than a good ole' fashion tongue-lashing. I guess I would give that 3 and a half stars. I'll try to do better.
Looking forward to Thurs. Alison. Nothing more fun than a little CSI, and fantastic follow up on Red Eye. I'll be sure to alert all my minions.
I want to announce my new show that I'm showing the pilot to,to VH1. It's a spin-off from the Pickup Artist. Only in my show, I teach perverts and of the like, how to cruise for internet booty. This is an un-tapped resource. I guess I need to run to the patent office. this baby is a hit!!!
My editor-in-chief just informed me that I used the wrong term in a previous comment. It should read fluffer, not snuffer. Not to worry my ghost-writer will be disciplend.
I want to leave something in the Red Eye suggestion box. I think it would be neato-burrito to have Dennis Miller on the show. If O'Reilly can snag him, I don't see why Red Eye wouldn't. I would like nothing more than to see Andy and Dennis converse. It would be quite the tail spin. Even though some of us wouldn't be able to understand Dennis's jokes. I'm not ever sure when to laugh. I just wait to see him react, and that indicates he said something that was humorous.
I would also like to mention that I'm from the state that produced Britney Spears. We share the same dope-man.
Alison, I was listening toward the end of the show about who was going to be on tonight, and I may be mistaken, but I don't remember Greg saying your name. Been looking forward all week to see you on the show. I hope I was mistaken and you will be. It's been a little while since you've been on so I'm sure you are just beaming with new,fresh ideas. Hope to see you tonight. Have a good show!!!!!
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