spotted: "A" getting ready for her Thursday appearance on "RE". There's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than watching a glamorous journalist make witty comments on a hit TV show.
Did you have a day off today Alison? I haven't seen hide nor hair of you all day. Anyhoo, looking forward to hearing your next witty topic. It's why I "get up" in the morning.
woohoo!! It's Alison Rosen on Red Eye Eve. I'm counting down the hours now. You picked the best day to be on the show. Well, I must take my leave now. Happy Festivus!!!
Is it just me or is there never any news coming out of Delaware? This I find intriguing. Surely they have some sort of story to tell. Things that make you go hmmmm!!!
I'm not allowed to post on the daily gut, so I'll just say my peace here. I read someone taking a personal shot at Allen Colmes. Allen is in an environment where is the minority. I don't agree with him, but I respect the fact that he holds his own. He's usually having to wait to be heard cause he's outnumbered, and they try to out talk him. to be cont... MIchael Louisian..
I just have the opinion that when people realize they can't out debate or challenge someone, they resort to personal attacks. Very narrow-minded. Again, I don't agree with Allen, but I admire his fortitude. Keep up the good work Allen. Not all of us are yes men.
I had an observation last night while watching The Real World re-runs. I think that Miss. or (Mrs.)Rosen and that girl Parisa seem to favor alot. It's probably the black hair and skin complexion. And trust me, I mean this in the most complimentary of ways. Just another one of my Seinfeld "observations". Look forward to your next blog topic Allison.
OH cool, I just read that you will be on tonight with a body language segment. This will have me in suspense all day!!! I guess I need to spread out my narcotics for the day so I can stay up to watch. I'm only kidding, just in case my pshychiatrist is reading this. See you tonight Allison, looking forward to a fast, in your face show. Make Andy your biotch!!!
okay, here's another Seinfeld observation. I just watched O'Reilly and the lovely Mrs. Dhue was on doing her segment. Two time the camera gave a full view of Mrs Dhue, which of course I found titilating, pardon the pun. Keep in mind, there are hardly ever different camera angles on this show.... It just proves sex sells. This practice is also on Red Eye. and it's always very brief. It keeps you wanting more. I often watch the other networks and none of them do this. They should take a page from Fox. No wonder their rating are low. Again, just an observation, I'm not a hater. In fact, I wish they'd do it more often, but then it would be obvious. I could go on and on but it's time for CSI. and I want to correct my spelling of Alison's name. I used two L's occasionally, no disrespect intended.
I am a vivacious person with effervescent thoughts and bubbly feelings, which I used to save for my diary and therapist before realizing I could share them with a million strangers, unless of course we've met before in which case remember that time we were at that place and then I did that thing? Sorry about that... Also I'm a writer, pop culture analyst/expert and regular TV guest. Care to be impressed by my credentials? Well then, from 2005—2008 I did Best Bets with Alison Rosen, a segment on WNBC's Weekend Today in New York show. I've appeared on Montel, Chelsea Lately, Hannity & Colmes, Fox & Friends and a bunch more and I'm a regular commentator on Fox News Channel's Red Eye. I wrote for the Los Angeles Times when I was 18. I'm a former Time Out New York editor. I'm a contributing editor for Page Six Magazine. I've written for a zillion publications including Rolling Stone, Maxim, Spin, People, Village Voice, New York Press, Nerve, Seventeen, Vibe, Seattle Weekly, Minneapolis City Pages, OC Weekly and Page Six Magazine. I used to play guitar in a punk band. I have naturally black hair. I won NY's Funniest Reporter competition.
spotted: "A" getting ready for her Thursday appearance on "RE". There's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than watching a glamorous journalist make witty comments on a hit TV show.
Did you have a day off today Alison? I haven't seen hide nor hair of you all day. Anyhoo, looking forward to hearing your next witty topic. It's why I "get up" in the morning.
woohoo!! It's Alison Rosen on Red Eye Eve. I'm counting down the hours now. You picked the best day to be on the show. Well, I must take my leave now. Happy Festivus!!!
Is it just me or is there never any news coming out of Delaware? This I find intriguing. Surely they have some sort of story to tell. Things that make you go hmmmm!!!
[]D [] []V[] []D.
I'm not allowed to post on the daily gut, so I'll just say my peace here. I read someone taking a personal shot at Allen Colmes. Allen is in an environment where is the minority. I don't agree with him, but I respect the fact that he holds his own. He's usually having to wait to be heard cause he's outnumbered, and they try to out talk him. to be cont...
I just have the opinion that when people realize they can't out debate or challenge someone, they resort to personal attacks. Very narrow-minded. Again, I don't agree with Allen, but I admire his fortitude. Keep up the good work Allen. Not all of us are yes men.
I had an observation last night while watching The Real World re-runs. I think that Miss. or (Mrs.)Rosen and that girl Parisa seem to favor alot. It's probably the black hair and skin complexion. And trust me, I mean this in the most complimentary of ways. Just another one of my Seinfeld "observations". Look forward to your next blog topic Allison.
Man, it's like a ghost town in here!!!! What happened?
OH cool, I just read that you will be on tonight with a body language segment. This will have me in suspense all day!!! I guess I need to spread out my narcotics for the day so I can stay up to watch. I'm only kidding, just in case my pshychiatrist is reading this. See you tonight Allison, looking forward to a fast, in your face show. Make Andy your biotch!!!
okay, here's another Seinfeld observation. I just watched O'Reilly and the lovely Mrs. Dhue was on doing her segment. Two time the camera gave a full view of Mrs Dhue, which of course I found titilating, pardon the pun. Keep in mind, there are hardly ever different camera angles on this show.... It just proves sex sells. This practice is also on Red Eye. and it's always very brief. It keeps you wanting more. I often watch the other networks and none of them do this. They should take a page from Fox. No wonder their rating are low. Again, just an observation, I'm not a hater. In fact, I wish they'd do it more often, but then it would be obvious. I could go on and on but it's time for CSI. and I want to correct my spelling of Alison's name. I used two L's occasionally, no disrespect intended.
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