Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Books, shows and movies as imagined by Nadya Suleman

Are we as a culture over Octo Mom? Or is it just me because I talked about it on Geraldo on Oscars night? (Oh, did I mention that already?) Anyway, I made this list even though it feels kind of like a yesterday thing to do. Maybe I'm just moving too fast? Probably. I'm very ahead of my time. In fact I've already enjoyed this weekend. I'd tell you what I did but don't want to cause a tear in the space time continuum. I'm sure you understand. [oh, and cheesy request here but if you like this list please use the Share This button at the bottom to digg it or technorati it or make it delicious or put lip gloss on it or call it Trudie or whatever it is that people do when they do that stuff.]

Books, shows and movies as imagined by Nadya Suleman

What to Expect When You're Expecting Octuplets

With Eight You Get Eggroll... And Gov't Assistance

Eight Isn't Enough

Three Men and a Baby, Plus Seven More Babies, Minus Three Men

He's Just Not That Into Eight Babies

The Audacity of Hoping No One Notices You're a Crazy Bitch With Fourteen Children

The Seven Habits of Highly Fertile Women

I Hope They Serve Huggies In Hell

Like Breast Milk For Chocolate

The Unbearable Lightness of Micro-Preemies


Anonymous said...

first! awesome post. maybe you can share this on redeye.

timdub70 said...

Nadya and Six Plus Eight.

Five Star Prototype said...

Sadly, for peeps, not for a while...or even a long time for that matter. And it doesn't look like you're over her, either. You dedicated a whole blog post to that beezy! My mind has been preoccupied with finals for the past week or so, so this square-root-64-wench hadn't really come across my mind. Until this post. Thanks Alison.

WFG said...

I'd cast Joe the Plumber as the male lead.

WFG said...

The present word verification is peins. Thank you anagrams.

Adirondack Towels and Scrubs said...

More books by Nadya:

"Who Moved My Diaphragm?"

"Chicken Soup for the Kids"

"When I Say No To Sex, I Feel Guilty"

"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"

"The One-Minute Mother"

"Birth of a Nation"

Brett Jones said...

Steinbeck inspired:

The wayward uterus

The winter of our discomfort

To a sperm donor Unknown

Of Mice and Men, plus lots and lots of babys

Not Steinbeck inspired:

National Lampoons: Hot dogs down a hallway.

Here's proof there is a God, and he has a wicked sense of humor. My word verification is Womba.

karpaydm said...

How about some movies:

Children of the Corny
Octopussy Part II
Scumbag Millionaire
When Dingos Attack
There will be Blood Part II
Snatch Part II
Back to the Suture
Thoracic Park
Oceans Fourteen
Meet the Parent
You've Got Males

Anonymous said...

HI-larious!!! Alison AND your posse posters. Excellent!